Educational Heritage Tours: A Journey Towards Understanding Heritage

The educational heritage tours are prioritized as the flagship project of the NMP- Cordillera for the 2nd semester of 2022.  The activity is intended for Grades 4 up to 12.  The activity aims to engage school teachers in stimulating the interest of the students in Philippine art and history and built heritage studies and natural history.  The educational heritage tour on October 11, 2022 is intended for teachers.  The next tour on October 13 is for young school children.

During the one-day educational tour, the NM Cordillera staff, CTPILS staff from IFSU and other community collaborators such as the Save the Ifugao Terraces Movement (SITMo) shall provide participants with lectures and film shows highlighting the natural and cultural history of Ifugao, cultural heritage and development and indigenous knowledge, skills and practices through nature walk,rock painting, indigenous games and weaving demonstrations.  Gallery tours and interactive activities shall be provided to the participants. 

The tours are designed to become a regular educational program for both school children and teachers and to expand the museum educational component by tapping the public schools nearby as partners for promoting the museum as an educational, cultural and research center. This is to reach out to the community and make the museum more accessible and relevant to the public through activities that are both fun and educational.

On April 30, 3022, a Memorandum of Agreement was signed among the National Museum of the Philippines, National Cheng Chi University, Ifugao State University and the Save the Ifugao Terraces Movement for the conduct of these educational heritage tours.  The source of fund shall be the Center of Taiwan-Philippines Indigenous Knowledge, Local Knowledge and Sustainable Studies which is based at the Ifugao State University.